New branch of company in Maine making employees find their own insurance

I started a new job in the first week of June for a company that opened a new branch in Maine. They are established in 10+ other states but are new to Maine. They had us fill out a health insurance “questionnaire” which was labeled as a health insurance request form. As of now, almost October, no one has health insurance except for the managers. When asked, HR stated that we needed to shop the marketplace to find our own insurance for the time being until they find a cheap company sponsored insurance plan. The company as a whole has well over 5k employees and is well established in the United States. Why can’t our branch be on that insurance that is offered to every other branch?

On a side note, apparently I have passed the 90 day waiting/enrollment period and now I have to speak with a broker to find insurance on my own? I don’t believe I should be having to do all of the work on my own when my employment contract that I signed when I was hired, stated health insurance benefits were offered through the company.

I’m sure more information is needed to get a straight answer, but I just wanted thoughts, advice, opinions, etc on what is legally required by the company.

Any thoughts?

submitted by /u/iambaymaxx

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