Needing Coverage For Month of December Due to an Annoying Mistake

Howdy y’all. So for most of this year I was on an ACA plan due to being out of work. Very recently, I went back to work, and the benefits packet I was provided said that I could enroll immediately. So I enrolled in health insurance, with the start date being listed as 12/1/2023. After I was done, I went onto and set my current plan to terminate at the end of this month. The next day, I got a call from our benefits department explaining that they had provided me the wrong benefits packet and account, and that for my position I actually have a probationary period meaning I cannot start on my workplace health insurance until 1/1/2024.

To try and reinstate my current coverage I called the number for, and was told that they cannot undo my cancellation nor do I qualify to apply under a special enrollment period for December since I elected to personally end my coverage.

All of this is to say, I need to find coverage for the month of December. For context, I’m a pretty healthy 20 something year old with zero chronic health issues. I absolutely do not want to gamble with not having coverage for a month.

PS, I’m in Texas, if that helps!

Thank you all in advance!

submitted by /u/Gracklezzz

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