Needing coverage, but every ACA plan is for kids?

I am losing my health care coverage after the 1st of the year due to divorce. I am looking around the Marketplace for a suitable plan for a healthy 32-year old female with no children.

Initially I was relieved! It seemed like there were several affordable (with tax credit) plans that covered what I needed. However, when I went to expand the plan details, I saw the following message:

Deductible: $7,250 Individual total

(Applies to child essential health benefits only)

I compared three suitable plans and when I actually dug into what each covered, every plan said that the deductible only applies toward child essential health. It was disheartening. And it was not something that I could filter away, either.

I want to be covered in case of an emergency, but I can’t spend $150+/month on something that will not actually cover any emergencies for me.

I will continue to do research on my own, but for now I thought I would ask here. Is there anyone who can tell me if what I am reading is accurate?

(EDIT: I am 32F, living near Kansas City, making $35k/year)

See also  My husband’s job’s insurance sucks, I’m losing my dad’s insurance, and marketplace says I don’t qualify for a premium discount.