Need some guidance regarding dementia care -Medicare/Medicaid in KY

Summary of information:

Essentially I'm posting here for any advice on this process, expectations, or aid resources, and to make sure I'm not completely off-base with my assumptions.

FIL (70s) is diagnosed with Vascular Dementia, and cannot be left alone per doctor. Currently on Medicare plan that does not support long term care, but I believe he qualifies for Medicaid, but has not applied. From what I'm reading, it appears that he A) Should qualify for Medicaid and B) Medicaid should provide coverage for long term memory care.


Income: Social security only $2400/mo (below the Medicaid line in KY), but he also has guardianship of a child who is getting SS survivor benefits (~1400/mo). We are starting the process of moving guardianship of the child to another person.

Assets: Owns house with $30k+ left on note, cash on hand is ~$10k (but see debt note below)

Debt: Owes $60k+ in existing medial debt

submitted by /u/jtv123

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