Need some guidance from people who really know this scenario! Keeping Cobra for 1 month after new employer insurance starts.

I have infertility and endometriosis.

I worked for Amazon to get IVF coverage, and while doing IVF It was also discovered I have a birth defect in my uterus. They did surgery and at the same time they also checked for endometriosis and found that I have endo.

I left Amazon and elected Cobra. I started working at Target, and their benefits kick in after 90 days.

I have an endometriosis surgery scheduled Nov 14th, and likely my new coverage would start just around that time, likely a few days before.

I have planned this surgery for months with a doctor, and I also have my out of pocket maxed out, so the surgery would cost me nothing on cobra.

What will happen here if I have to sign up for my new benefits right before my surgery? ( I cannot wait for open enrollment cause I need the IVF coverage again right after my surgery from Target)

I would like to keep Cobra for just that little overlap period, because I won't have time to check everything either with the new insurance.

PS There is a possibility the new insurance is offered by the same company as the Cobra insurance. Tho I am not sure cause I cannot see the options yet.

submitted by /u/gabkatth

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