Need insurance for four months in NY (not unemployed)- what are my options?

I’m currently employed and in NY (below median income). My job offers insurance, but my parents wanted me to remain on their plan because the coverage is better. However, I’m turning 26 soon and will be removed from their plan. I’ve heard some plans offer coverage until 29, but theirs doesn’t. My company’s open enrollment isn’t until December, which means I’ll have about 4 months of no coverage (I recognize it’s my fault, should’ve seen this coming last December).

Does anyone have any suggestions for the best course of action? I’ve been reading up on my options but am confused about what’s best. It seems like COBRA is largely for people who are unemployed/don’t have insurance access. I know NY also doesn’t offer short-term insurance. Is it possible to pay for private insurance and then cancel it after a few months? Or would that be insanely expensive since I don’t have a QLE (I’m assuming this doesn’t count as insurance loss)? Any insight would help, thank you!

submitted by /u/macademicnut

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