Need insurance advice for young broke 23m

23m zip 11720 income 32k pretax approx 28k aftertax per year I just got a letter in the mail today stating that I no longer qualify for Medicaid in New York State. It says I do qualify for a $595 a month tax credit on an eligible marketplace plan and if I cannot afford deductibles or co-payments to make sure I pick a silver plan and New York state will help with costs that I cannot afford. The only caveat is I make about $800 bi-weekly at Target and I cannot afford getting insurance through my job because all my friends and family that have similar insurance or my boyfriend who works at Target hates the health plan, the deductible is 2100 and he has a crazy amount of medical debt because doctors keep chasing him down for all of the bills he accrued while he hasn't met the deductible. And target only pays 80% after the deductible is met!! Godforbid I'm in the hospital again and I have target insurance, I'd be responsible for 20% of a 100,000 bill even after my deductible is met, i called our health plan provider and confirmed that. I don't want that for me, I at most at all times have no more than $100 in my savings and checking, the New York bronze plan that would be covered with this tax credit has a 4100 deductible and the silver plan where New York would give me deductible and co-pay assistance is about $800 a month. So with the 595 a month of tax credit I would still owe about $200 a month and I can't afford that. That but I also really can't afford an extra 60 coming out of my paycheck because that means I would only make 740 by weekly and I'm budgeting by the penny and the dollar. So I'm really at a loss of what to do and I'm wondering should I just let them take away my insurance on November 15th and just not have medical insurance and just only have dental and vision insurance, any advice would be greatly appreciated. For context I'm a 23M making 32k a year pre tax on Long Island in New York mom makes approx same or less and she was off the books with essential plan now she just started working on the books again.

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TL;DR please help me I can't afford to pay for medical insurance and I can't afford doctors office visits etc until a deductible is met, it's just ludicrous. I remember growing up we had cigna and there were no deductibles, just set co-pays for certain services, is there a plan similar to that on the NY state health market place? They said i don't qualify for the essential plan because I qualify for other options even though i meet the income requirements???? I'm scared and confused and so is my mom for me, any help or advice would be greatly appreciated!

submitted by /u/jamesdago13