Need help navigating cancer diagnosis

I recently passed my boards and became licensed in my field. I had medi-cal during school since I had no income. Once I passed, i started doing all the doctor’s appointments I had put off. Long story short, I found out I have thyroid cancer. Medi-cal has been horrible. Can’t see surgeon for a consultation for a month. Idk how long surgery will be. I decided to find a surgeon who does out of pocket and figure it out. It’s around 40k for the surgery which doesn’t include all the pre-op exams, radiation, and etc. I decided to take a chance and to release my medi-cal insurance. Then sign up for a helathcare plan that would cover soon. Am I allowed to do this? I did speak to insurance broker who said that insurance is no longer taken to consideration pre-existing condition… I’m just trying to figure out what to do. I’m scared. I never thought this would happen to me. I also don’t know anything about insurance. I’m hoping it won’t take too long to transition. I did speak to someone from the social department that said that release is being processed. However, I’m concerned that no insurance plan would take me or that I’m unknowingly doing something wrong. Anyone know what to do in this type of situation? Because technically I’m no longer student and I am working part time.. I wouldn’t qualify for medi-cal anymore. I don’t think. Any advice would be great. Ps had no idea how cold and scary our health care system was…

See also  Schrodinger's Medicaid