Need help for a recent pregnant mom.

I(32f) found out was pregnant this week with no insurance. Just left my school job in NY on 6/30(had a union insurance but it sucked anyways).

My husband does not have/need insurance. So it would be just me and baby.

My household income is ~180k. Looking on a platinum will cost $1045/month and some say I cannot even enroll until Nov?

I called around and came back to these conclusions, but really need help 2nd opinion on this.

Option 1-pay out of pocket on prenatal/visits etc until Nov them enroll in platinum until birth.

Option 2-a cold calling agency(Colarihealth) called me and offered “healthfirst by aetna” this is a ppo with 0 deductible and only $25/$50 copay per visit. Program is Adventcare Wellpremium($350), Continue Care Edge($90), misc($40). Total $480/month.

This plan will goto Nov, then they’ll enroll me on in Nov as it covers major ops.

Option 3-this is a referred prudential agent. She tells me she can enroll me in anytime(even this month).

And the quotes she gave all came from $1045 I looked up myself).

I’m feeling option 1 is the cheapest, but option 2 is the most balanced/peace of mind. My only concern is is it truly as good as how the rep made it sound? And with ppo, I have basically much more options?

Can someone please evaluate the 3 options or give some tip.


submitted by /u/4everKoooool

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