Need help figuring out Kaiser plans (WA)

I am trying to choose a plan from Kaiser in Washington at the moment and am super confused by the wording in the descriptions. I haven't seen insurance with stipulations like this before and truly can't figure out what they mean lol.

The first plan is a regular PPO plan and for things like primary care and specialist visits, it says there's a $30 / visit copay, then 20% coinsurance. It also says " Deductible and coinsurance do not apply to any combination of first 4 outpatient visits / year, then covered at deductible and coinsurance (copayment waived), for preferred provider network only."

I have never seen it before where there is both a copay and coinsurance and am not sure what that means, and what I would be paying when. I am also super confused by the next part with the first four visits. I have never seen it worded like this and am struggling to understand what I would have to pay for the first four visits vs the ones after.

There is a second high deductible plan that only has a 20% coinsurance (no copay), and then the same verbiage about the first four visits. Does this mean the first four would be full-cost? Or like no-cost? My bf says no-cost but I want to be sure.

Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/Aspiringtropicalfish

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