Need help deciding on a health plan for my family.

I recently started a new job as a W2 employee (for a contracting agency). My wife started a job as an employee with no benefits (temp employee for a year). I need to get a plan for her and I. I am being offered some really awful health plans from my work.

I have 2 options:

Go for a HDHP for myself through my employer ($85 a week), invest $60 a week into an HSA and get a health insurance for my wife on the marketplace ($300-$500 a month).

Get United Healthcare Flex work for the both of us through my employer, it’s minimum coverage but is significantly cheaper ($125 a week).

If I decide to go for a HDHP for the both of us then that will be $300 per week. I definitely want a health insurance to protect the both of us but unsure as to what to get. We are both in our early 20s and are healthy/active so we don’t need to go to a doctor a lot (I do maybe once every 6-9 months). My wife rarely has to go to the doctor.

Details: HDHP is 5000$ deductible ($10000 for family), 20% copay after deductible.

Flexwork is limited health coverage. It pays 10,000 max for hospitals. Let’s us go to the doctor 6 times a year, plus has an indemnity plan that provides some cash benefit.

I will only be in my current positions for 9 months before I either become a full time employee at the client company or find a full time job elsewhere, this is only a temporary decision. What should I do?

Age: Early 20s
Gross Income: 16000$ a month
State: AZ

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