Need help – claims being denied for crazy reason

Hi guys. Sorry if this is a bad question or easily solved and I'm just ignorant as to the asnwer.

Long story short. Our eldest child hasn't been on our insurance for almost seven years (aged out).

She recently had a surgery and submitted the claim to her current insurance (which she has had for about five years). It got DENIED. Her company said they denied it because she is already on someone else's insurance plan. They gave us the name of the insurance company – but WON'T say who the owner of the plan is. Or give ANY details at all except "Blue Cross."

We are having the hardest time clearing this up. How do you prove you don't have insurance? If his insurance company would give us just one sentence more of info, we could clear it up. All they say is "Blue Cross" but won't say the person's name who the insurance covers, what company its from, etc.

If they would just say the insurance covering you is "Primary owner of the insurance is Joe Blow who worked at Olive Garden in Boise, Idaho." Then we could say "wrong people, none of us are named Joe Blow, none of us live in Boise Idaho, none of us worked at Olive Garden."

I guess I can email Blue Cross and give them all the info and see what they can dig up? Or is there an easier solution?

submitted by /u/ComfortableDear2205

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