Need help choosing healthcare plan for pregnancy

I’m wanting to be put on my husband’s insurance through his work place for the upcoming year. I am just barely pregnant. Our household is single income but not extremely low so we don’t qualify for help. I’ve been sick with a bad flu for the last few days so I am not thinking clearly and would really appreciate some additional help choosing a plan. Today is the last day to enroll. We’ve picked a plan but I am not sure about it.

The company is based in California but our family is based in Nashville, TN. The one we selected was Kaiser HMO high because of our pregnancy but upon some simple research I realized that Kaiser has a very tight network. I’m concerned about this aspect especially since we are outside of California. I’m also not sure I understand the difference between PPP and HMO.

Other options are OAP 1500 PPO, a 3500 one, and a 500 one. We also have the option of OAP HDHP HSA 3500.

I am so overwhelmed and the fever I have is making it hard to really shift through all the info. I can provide more info based on whatever questions are asked but I am looking for a plan that is beneficial for a pregnant woman and which gives me good standard of care that is relatively stress free as I navigate my first pregnancy.

submitted by /u/SwadlingSwine

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