Need help choose an insurance plan

So I’m choosing either UHC PPO or HMO Kaiser

I like that with UHC I don’t have to be fixed with having to go 1 or 2 places and having to risk long waits because my search is limited . For UHC I can easily go on Zocdoc and find any doctor with an upcoming appointment. I can quickly go to CVS clinic near me for a std panel, or any type of simple lab work instead of waiting a week or 2 (or more) to get that at Kaiser. However my deductible is 1k and I don’t have coinsurance until that's met. So if a health problem comes a long and I need surgery, imaging, biopsy, etc…..I’m FUCKED! Also coinsurance is 20%

Kaiser Copays are lower, deductible is only $200, and coinsurance is 10%. Sounds really neat right?! Well I am only limited to Kaiser doctors, and there are only 2 Kaiser buildings near me. If all the doctors have a long wait list then I’m gonna have to wait! No more going to planned parenthood or cvs clinics for super quick lab work. Basically my issue is waiting!! And I know with a specialist, that will take MONTHS (with UHC I can go in Zocdoc and find a specialist that has a slot a week from now). I’m young (28) and healthy so the chance I need better coverage and lower deductible is slim. What do you guys think I should choose?

submitted by /u/Cheesesalad7

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