Need Health Insurance Mid Year, no insurance currently. Private Insurance?

Hi all, really need some help here.

I, 27m, (stupidly) didn’t opt into my Job’s health insurance and now have nothing. November 8th,2022 I was on my father’s plan and had a cornea transplant. Now I’m having some issues and need to get in for an appointment.

AND I’ve now realized my major mistake and regret every single decision I’ve made up until this point. I didn’t realize that enrollment periods are a thing and desperately need insurance now.

I tried to get into Husky CT’s ACA healthcare but make about 40k which is too much to qualify. My job’s enrollment isn’t until November and I’m terrified I’ll have to go nearly 6 months without insurance.

What are my options here? Is there a private health insurance I can apply to and use until the end of the year? Is the cornea transplants pre-existing condition? Should I just get a new job? Nobody taught me these things. I’m lost, scared, and feel like a failure of an adult.

Thanks for any help or information you can provide.

submitted by /u/Pasquirtle96

See also  FEATURED: BK staff pay medical insurance to 7000 vulnerable people in Kimisagara sector - The New Times