My family & I are moving to a different state. Both health insurance options seem to be "national plans" that shouldn't' affect coverage based on where I live (this is what I am told anyway, but current plans says EPO NY Liberty Network??) To add we are all healthy, aside from wellness/routines for us all, and currently my oldest has orthodontics, we rarely even go to urgent care. But of course, with 3 kids you never know. We are in our 40s.

Current Plan with UHC

$1420 per month for a family of 5 (Health, Dental, Vision) Reasonable co-pays Family Deductible $2000 Family OOP $5000

New Plan is a High Deductible Plan

$1114 per month for a family of 5 (Health, Dental, Vision) Family Deductible $4000 Family OOP $12,600 (why is it so high??)

I checked orthodontics benefits and they are similar enough so I won't mention here.

The annual premium I save on paying ($3672) doesn't seem like it would even make up to the fact that my OOP is $12,600? My concern is while all wellness/routines are covered 100%, most other things are only 80-90-% after deductible so it's very likely we will spend regularly outside of paying premium?

submitted by /u/snowjewelz

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