Need Advice on Marketplace/Obamacare for Family

We currently reside in AZ but are moving temporarily to CA for 9 months with trips back and forth. We have had a family emergency and my husband is becoming the primary caretaker for his dad who requires 24/7 care. My husband had to resign from his job because he was not eligible for FMlA due to already taking some in a 12 month period for our sons birth this year.

This means we lose our insurance end of month, and COBRA premium is just under $1,500 a month (way too expensive). We still have my income (Approx $62,000) but my employer does not offer health insurance.

What would you do if you were us? It seems like we can't do Obamacare because we would have to claim residency in CA for just a short period of time. It's our understanding if we did it for AZ we couldn't use it in CA?

What are the best places to look into marketplace insurance that would cross state lines for care?

submitted by /u/Charming_Mushroom340

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