Need advice about health insurance as someone that’s disabled

I had a stroke a few years back that has left me physically disabled. As you can imagine, this has left me unable to work my regular 9-5 so I had to change how I went about earning a living. It’s been rough, if it wasn’t for programs like Medi-cal and Calfresh I wouldn’t have been able to survive these past nearly 4 years.

But right now I’m in a sort of conundrum. After trying different things I found some success day trading and have decided to stay on this route. The issue is I am currently not a point to where I can just go at it 100%. Because it’s not like other jobs where you have consistent pay, I find myself in a constant balancing act trying to stay under my monthly income limits to continue to qualify for these programs. Which sucks because I made $500 in 10 minutes this morning and I couldn’t even celebrate it, but then tomorrow I might lose $100. But of course only the money coming in affects my eligibility.

I have a general idea of how much I can make, but it’s hard to find information. What’s the exact number for someone who is disabled, how much can I make before I have to report a change? And what happens the next month if I don’t make as much? I hear that it takes a month for changes to go into affect.

I’m not too knowledgeable about health insurance in general, I worry because I have hypertension and I need that medication. I’m not sure what happens if I make too much and I don’t have access anymore. If I can pay for it with cash, if I can get my Medi-cal back if I don’t make as much the next month, will i be unable to access healthcare the entire month? Once you have a stroke you are just waiting for that other shoe to drop so I don’t want to be left unprepared.

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