Need a wheelchair asap but insurance doesn’t care for timeframes

My partner got in an accident and broke both ankles, since one was only a hairline fracture they sent him home with crutches but he hasn't been able to use them, he's just been getting around on an office chair. Since the crash was on Saturday we haven't been able to contact insurance until today about getting a wheelchair, but the followup Ortho appointment is tomorrow and insurance just keeps saying they need time to tell us where we can get one. It's looking like we won't get a wheelchair by the appointment, so hopefully the Ortho will have a wheelchair or I will be bringing him in to his appointment on an office chair.

I don't know if we're missing other places to contact, the ER didn't know where to send us and said to wait until Monday to call insurance and insurance doesn't know either. I don't know what they expect or who to even ask about this. I don't want to have to buy a wheelchair outright, and I haven't been able to find any medical resupply stores in my area.

submitted by /u/smudgedl

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