MY wife is 29 weeks pregnant and just arrived to the USA on a spousal visa, What are my insurance options? MEdicaid is possible?

my wife just came over to the USA on an IR1 visa and it's been over a week. She is 29 weeks pregnant. How can i get insurance for her? IS it possible to get medicaid for her?

I recently started a new job and my 90 days period to enroll in a health insurance has also passed and she was not here at the time, so i could not add her, therefore, i opted no to get employer insurance at all because i don't need it for myself, i only needed it for her but since she wasn't here during my 90 days to enroll, i would have to wait till November to be able to enroll her, which is way too long.

Is there any way for my to get health insurance for her, possibly medicaid? She just got got her SSN card. I am expected to make $60k this year. If not eligible for health insurance, then is there any low cost health insurance i can get just for her and the baby?

i'm getting worried cause i need insurance fast cause her due date is approaching. WE did tests and doctor's visit for her pregnancy in her home country but has not visited any doctors here yet.

i'm in New York City BTW.

submitted by /u/NoobNup

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