My wife and I are figuring out which insurance to put our future child on and she came back with outrageous rates for her insurance after adding a child to it. Attached is the email from the person at her job that handles insurance.

Good Morning

The $42.02 that you pay per payroll equals 10% of the total cost of your single insurance. If you would like to add a dependent, we have what I call the “three year plan”. You would have to pay the entire amount for the additional person/people for three years, and at that point, we would pay 85% of the entire premium. The current amounts are listed below.

Employee Only Total = $840.39 per month Employee portion = $84.04 per month ($42.02 per payroll)

Employee + Children (Three Year Plan) Total = $1817.99 per month Employee portion = $84.04 per month of the employee’s portion + $977.60 which is the remainder of the premium = 1061.64 per month ($530.82 per payroll)

When you go to Employee + Children it is the same price no matter how many children you have on the plan. It is not a cost per child, which is definitely a benefit. Once the three years are up, the school pays 85% of the total, and you would pay 15%. At this year’s rates, after the “three year plan” you would be paying $272.70 per month ($136.35 per payroll).

Please let me know if you have any questions or would like to discuss anything.


On Mon, wrote:

Hey there!

I was just wondering if you could tell me about how much insurance money would come out of my check if I added my baby after he’s born? I see it’s about 45 per pay cycle now with just me as a single person. Does it double then? My husband’s insurance enrollment is coming up and we are doing a little investigating on what’s best for our family. Thanks!

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Mrs Cappuccino Crunch