My surgeons office says I have approved authorization till end of year but my insurance says it expired?

Hello I really need advice since my surgeons office hasn’t returned my calls about my authorization. They scheduled my surgery and said my authorization is clear till end of year. The issue is my insurance has a copy of the letter they sent me stating start and end date is 2/29/24 – 2/29/24. When I call the customer agent they read back the same letter I got. 2/29/24 – 2/29/24.

I showed the office the copy of my letter and they said those aren’t the dates they received from my insurance. They stated i was cleared 2/29/24 – 12/29/24.

When I call my insurance they agent won’t let me through to the utilization management stating my provider needs to call.

My surgery is in June and I feel like my surgeons office won’t call until it’s right before surgery to bill my insurance.

What are the odds my surgeons office has the correct dates and they received information that is correct?

Is my approval letter wrong with the dates?

How else would my surgeon believe that I have authorization till the end of the year?

submitted by /u/Hefty-Bumblebee1269

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