My Mom Missed Some Payments and Her Health Policy was Terminated. IS THERE ANY HOPE FOR REINSTATEMENT?

My elderly mother's BCBS Medicare advantage plan was terminated for non-payment. She has always been very conscientious about paying ALL her bills, but somehow they got past her. She has been very ill for about a year with one thing or another, is half blind, and almost completely deaf. She has very little energy and needs help with most things. She was also in the hospital for a couple of days and released to my care for three weeks after, so wasn't even home to check her mail during part of the payment lapse. She misses a lot of phone calls because she can't hear and has no idea how to check voicemail, so wouldn't know if BCBS tried to call her. They now have my number as the first point of contact.

We are now setting up auto-drafts for all her bills so this won't happen again.

We have appealed the policy termination (detailing all the problems listed above) hoping it will be reinstated and are waiting for their determination.

Has anyone had any luck with this or does anyone have any advice that might help her cause or is she screwed?

submitted by /u/dancingpoodle1110

See also  Any hope of having a health insurance deductible waived or reduced?