my medication is 10x the price this month than it was last month. what do i do??

In January, three of my medications cost (each a month's worth) cost about $20. Yesterday, those same three cost nearly $200. I spoke with the pharmacist, they said insurance was ran correctly.

Yesterday I went in drive through, and while I the pharmacy tech was ringing me up, we chatted briefly, and I think I got distracted and didn't hear the price. I got home and saw the recipt. $249. (I picked up a total of five medications, three were were the same from January). I about had a heart attack.

Cigna has a 5-tier list of medications, tier 1 being "preferred generics" (only $3 co-pay with my plan), tier 2 are "generics (not preferred)" (50% coverage with my plan). And it goes on. I found out the meds I picked up were all tier 2. My Methylphenidate ER 54mg was $88 alone. This was obviously not what I paid mid-January, and idk what changed. I got this policy because the medication co-pay was only $3! I'm now second guessing if I researched my meds correctly when I signed up for insurance.

Did I do something wrong? Can this be appealed?? Idk what to do. I just got off the phone with insurance and they said there's nothing they could do.

I pay $270/mo for this insurance, it's through (not from work) and I'm not eligible for any discounts through it. (I prefer to not have my health insurance be tied to my work unless it's really good and my work's plans are not good). I cannot afford to pay this much for meds on top of my insurance. It's almost as much as my rent when combined.

See also  Need help with next steps.

If I can't get this improved, next month I'm going to use Good RX. It just sucks because I take controlled drugs and Cost Plus Drugs doesn't have them yet.

I live in Indiana

submitted by /u/Meggles_Doodles