My medical insurance has procedures and conditions on my file that are from someone else, and will not remove them. What is my course of action?

Back in early 2020, I noticed some conditions/procedures added to my profile for things that I very much didn’t have, including Hypoparathyroidism and Renal Disease. I asked them to check into back then, and they said they would. Emphasized the fact that I live in Texas, and this was all done in Minnesota too. I didn’t think anything of it, mistakes happen. I even told them that if it’s not hurting anyone, I don’t care. They said they’d look into, but shortly thereafter I was laid off from my company. I didn’t have insurance for a while, got hired a new place at the end of the year, new insurance provider, no worries. Met a girl, got married, got laid off again, switched to her insurance. She was looking into getting some life insurance for me through her company, and was denied due to “medical history including end stage renal disease and kidney transplant.” Mind you this is the 2nd insurance company I’ve been with since the “kidney days.” I called the life insurance company, and they said I had to have my insurance remove it before they’d reconsider. I then proceeded to call the old insurance company, and they said that they can’t touch anything since I’m no longer insured with them. Felt like a dead end, and life insurance will never be a part of my life. Well…I’m back at the original company, wife (and now child) are under my insurance plan with the original insurance company. I decided to call them today to see if I can get that removed. They said they can’t/won’t. Originally they said that since I’m on a new policy, none of my previous conditions should affect anything, to which I told them this story, and this is my proof that she’s wrong. She then told me that if I decide to get life insurance and get declined, then reach back. I said, “I’d rather get this fixed now so I don’t have to go through this again.” She basically said I had to call these other doctor offices and have them fix it, and if they don’t, to call back and see if there’s something more they can do, but likely there isn’t. We ended the call with her basically saying “good luck.” The only thing I can think to do is call these doctors to fix it, but I’m not sure why I have to fix their mistake. Also, if these doctors won’t fix their mistake, what’s my next course of action? Sue someone? I understand that there’s a smaller chance of it ever really affecting me, but that’s not a risk I’m willing to take. And if i decide to get life insurance later and continue to get declined, then I’m just prolonging my time to get this fixed. Should I lawyer up now, or wait on these other doctors to fix this? any help is appreciated

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