My insurance is going to be $460 a month for myself, wife, and 6mo baby. That seems… high?

Because you’re only paying $460 and are talking about dental and option for vision, I presume this is a employer plan. If you really want to know how expensive health insurance is then ask your employer what the total cost to them is including both your share and their share. Most likely your plan is somewhere around or over $2K unless you have super high deductibles and max out of pocket. So your employer is paying most of the cost for you.

The amount an employer pays, and the total cost of the insurance, varies considerably. So it’s difficult to say what is high. Some plans have great coverage with low co-pays, low deductibles and low max out of pocket and a very broad network where almost every doctor is included. Some plans have poor coverage with a very limited network and very high co-pays, deductibles, etc. Those points effect the total cost of the plan. Also, some employers pay for the vast majority of the cost including family coverage while others only pay a small portion and make the employee pay 100% of the cost of adding family members.

In general, if you have good coverage and you’re paying $450/month then that sounds like a very good deal and not high.

See also  Pennsylvania - Medical Assistance as Secondary Insurance to Employer Plan?