My husband’s job’s insurance sucks, I’m losing my dad’s insurance, and marketplace says I don’t qualify for a premium discount.

I want to scream. I am very disabled and rely heavily on health insurance to manage my condition. I am turning 26 and losing my dad’s incredible employer related plan. My husband’s employer is small, they only recently starting offering health insurance, and it sucks. The deductible is high and everything is a 50% coinsurance. I was hoping I would qualify for a credit from marketplace. I was trying to determine if my husbands plan meets the “minimum standard value” so I downloaded a calculator tool from CMS. Well it can’t give me a value bc it says the max value for OOP max is $6,500, but the plan’s is $7,500 (that’s what you get when a tool is from 2013). When I change it to 6,500 just to see what it says it says the minimum value is 61%. Sixty-ONE. The BARE MINIMUM! (If it was below 60% I would qualify for the credit) Then I thought I might qualify based on the affordability of the plan. It’s almost $1000/mo premium for the 2 of us. Using the 8.39% rule the plan is considered “affordable” by $27. His job is doing the absolute bare minimum in every way and it’s fucking me over.

Since that CMS tool didn’t work, am I just supposed to take his employer’s claim that their plan meets the minimum requirement at face value?! I’m just SOL?

submitted by /u/alindyxoxo

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