My dad failed to tell me I lost my health insurance

23F, NH, gross income around $60,000

I lost my health insurance from my dad on June 1st and didn’t find out until late June. He had an injury at work and has been out since April. On June 17th I started a new full-time job and rejected health/dental benefits because I thought I had insurance. I found out I lost it because my sister went to her PCP late June and they told her. I asked my dad about this and he said “oh sorry for not letting you know, don’t worry, I’m figuring it out”. July goes by, and on the 31st he told me “yeah you’re just gonna have to get it through your work. Mines through HealthCare.Gov and I can’t put you on it since you don’t live with me”. Yesterday I tried to go through my job but then learned that I can only enroll after 31 days of losing coverage. Then today I attempted to enroll through and learned that I am also not eligible since it’s been over 60 days since losing coverage.

I’m 23 years old so this is all fairly new to me. I’m wondering what my current options are (I’d like to get my yearly physical, a dental cleaning, and some peace of mind that in the event an emergency happens that I’ll be somewhat covered). Thanks in advance 🫡

submitted by /u/Rare-Butterfly-9649

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