My boyfriend’s parents are taking him off their insurance and he won’t be able to support himself. What can he do?

My (22m) boyfriend (22m) has severe depression, anxiety, OCD, and anorexia and has been in and out of eating recovery treatment centers – residential, php, iop – for a couple years. He just graduated from university that provided him excellent health insurance, but this month he was taken off that plan and switched to his parents’ insurance. He is really struggling right now but fighting so hard, he’s pushing himself to his limits every day, yet despite the sheer amount of food he has been eating, his body’s metabolism has prevented him from gaining weight. So to his doctors, parents, and insurance provider, the numbers indicate he’s not making progress. Because of this his recovery team in the PHP program he is in right now want to step him back up to residential treatment. His parents see this as him failing and not trying hard enough and today notified him that they are taking him off their health insurance. That means all his medications, doctor visits, treatment plans will be his full responsibility to pay for and because he’s been fully incapacitated for over two years he hasn’t had a job and has had no way to earn money. I’m afraid this is his breaking point and it’s terrifying.

I’m moving out of state (we’re both in CA right now) in a week and I won’t be there to physically support him anymore, and his friends in the treatment program both discharged in the past week so his entire support system is going away. I’m grasping at straws, but maybe someone can point us in the right direction. Is there anything he can do to navigate this situation?

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