Moving insurance and scheduling surgery

I have recently been diagnosed with the BRCA2 gene mutation and have decided that getting a prophylactic mastectomy is my best option moving forward. I have recently discovered some doctors offering what is called "sensation sparing" surgery but that is not offered with my current insurancer, Kaiser Permanente.

The doctor I would like to get the surgery done with works with a number of different insurance companies and have shared this information so I know who are considered "in network" for. Two of these companies are providers myself or my husband could move to during open enrollment so now it's just a case of seeing which plan is best.

My question is, how soon after moving insurance do I need to wait before scheduling this operation? Will I need to wait until Jan 1 before working with the surgeon to schedule my surgery? I am also moving from a HMO plan to a PPO plan so trying to understand the main differences in how to navigate through these plans also.

I am based in California but have only recently moved to the US in the last 3 years so the world of US health insurance is all new.

Thanks for any and all help!

submitted by /u/Slow-Peanut-5262

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