Moving for school as an older student with an ACA plan

help!! so i’m over 26 with a marketplace plan – it’s from a large provider (BCBS), but tied to one specific bistate metro area with little out-of-network coverage. i was recently admitted to a graduate degree program in my state, but a couple of hours away from the metro area my insurance covers. my permanent address is still technically in this metro area since i’m just moving for school, but functionally i’m spending most of my time out of the city and only back a week or so out of the month (during the 8 months of the academic year – i’m living in my original metro area fulltime for the other 4).

i really don’t want to switch insurance (for a number of reasons, partly financial and partly because i’m worried about maintaining access to an expensive orphan drug) and i don’t mind driving back for the handful of in-person doctor’s appointments i still have a year, but filling my prescriptions is proving to be an issue, since that happens multiple times a month.

does anyone know if insurance will generally cover mail-order pharmacy deliveries to out of network areas? would trying to set that up raise red flags?

submitted by /u/bugonias

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