More nonsense
So I called the State Medicaid and Marketplace.
My Medicaid hearing is 1.5 hours away in August. They say my Medicaid isn't active and I need to prove I should get it back.
The Marketplace had me call an agent to finalize things (I swear no one knows what they are doing). There is a plan that is free and another that is $0.76 cents a month, that I could get through the Marketplace. Since, I am a big spender, I was going with the $0.76 a month. Seriously, though it has 30+ PCPs in my county and the other has 0.
The agent goes through everything and she can't finalize it. I texted her a picture of my letter showing I don't have Medicaid, basically all she was able to do is call the state Marketplace. So I am awaiting her call.
The issue they claim is Medicaid covers Medical, Dental and Vision. To add Dental and Vision to the $0.76 a month plan, it will be above what they show I can afford. I said, I would waive it, and not take Dental and Vision and her system didn't allow me.
If I don't have Medical I am not going to worry about the other things.
So I await my Medicaid hearing, most likely to get turned down (from what I am hearing) and ee make too little for the Marketplace.
I canceled a doctor's appointment for yesterday. I have another in a couple of weeks which I will cancel by the end of the week. My wife is running low on insulin. My other appointments are for MS testing to see if I have it and to strengthen a disability case I have going now.
I guess I should start shopping for life insurance policies.
submitted by /u/BatIcy3765