More expensive health insurance at New job covering less for therapy.

So I started a new job in the federal government a couple months ago and went for one of the more expensive insurance plans they offered with BlueCross BlueShield as it seem to have the best Out of Network coverage with an $80 copay for primary/specialist in-office care. I’ve been going to therapy for almost 10 years now and at my last employer (which also had BCBS) they reimbursed me about $65 for every $210 therapy session (I had to submit an out of network claim for each session) saying that only $103 was allowable and they would only pay a percentage of that allowable cost. With this new plan, despite it being $50-$70 more expensive for me per paycheck, they are saying they will now only reimburse me $23.20 for every session since I have an $80 copay and they are still going by that $103 allowable cost (even though allowable cost wasn’t mentioned as a factor for this particular plan).

Do I have any recourse at this point or do I need to just eat the cost until I hit the open enrollment period and can switch plans? I sent a message on my claim through BCBS site when I saw how little they reimbursed me over the weekend, I’m doubtful it will do anything, but wanted to see if maybe I had other options. TIA!

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