Mom wont remove me from insurance- New Mexico, USA

Hey guys. I (22 F) am still on my mother's insurance. I married my husband this year (26 M) in Feb. Background context: I became estranged from my mother a few years ago for a multitude of reasons. Prior to this, she had my sister and I on the health insurance plan she has with her employer. When I turned 18, I had requested that she remove me from her insurance plan so that I could have my own through my employer. At the time she refused to remove me because her plan "has better coverage". Whatever. I moved out of my mother's apartment in 2022 and once again, asked to be removed from the health insurance. She denied once more. In 2023, I started a new job which offered better insurance than what my mother employer offered. Again, I asked to be removed and nothing, even though I was paying for my own now. This year, Feb 2024, I married my husband and cancelled my own health insurance with my employer to get on his plan (Combined estimated gross pretax income is roughly 98k)

In May, I found out I was pregnant with my first biological child. My husband and I have been attempting to use our health insurance through his employer at my doctor's appointments only to be told that they cannot use it. Their reasoning is that since our insurance isn't the "primary" insurance policy, they HAVE to default to using my mother's. I have tried to change our insurance to primary, but the company will not change it. Idk what to do. I called my mother's employer, as I have no contact with my mother, and they told me that in the state of New Mexico, a child can be on their parents insurance policy until they are 26 years old. I have told her employer that I don't NOT consent to be on her plan, and that I have prevasked her on multiple occasions to remove me. They informed me that the only way for me to be removed is for the plan holder, my mom, to remove me herself. My husband volunteered to call my mother and explain to her the situation (leaving out that im pregnant, as that's not her business). My mom agreed on the phone to remove me over a month ago, but I see that I'm still covered under her plan. Is this legal? Can my mother legally keep me on her policy even though I do not consent??

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submitted by /u/_usxrnamx