Mom refuses to remove me from her insurance plan, now I have a really great job and I want their plan, please help!

Hello everyone, so I graduated last May (I'm 22), recently I got a really really great job that not only uses my degree but has an awesome healthcare plan! Yaaaaaay, me right? Well the problem I am currently facing is that my mom is refusing to remove me from her plan. I have been trying to get her to do so for over a year. If you can't tell our relationship isn't swell to say the least. She has some severe control issues and still also claims me as a dependent despite my living on my own since I was 17, I am completely financially independent from her. But I digress, this is about healthcare.

I guess my main question is about whether or not I can even get my job's insurance if she continues to put me on her plan. And before anyone says to just talk to her about taking me off the plan… I have tried, multiple times, and she always says she'll "talk to her guy" and a year later and I am still on the plan. Any advice would be great, can I take myself off of it? Or do I have to wait four years until I am no longer eligible to be claimed by her?

submitted by /u/FootballInfamous9941

See also  Surprise coverage