Molina member portal messages problems


I'm a Molina Medicaid of WA member, and on my Molina portal, after receiving a reply to a message, the "reply" button is deactivated. Not clickable, greyed out, etc. I know at least one other person who has the same issue.

I have called them numerous times about this issue, and they have opened several tickets and promised to call me back about it when they figure out what it is (they did not call)

What's probably happening:

From what I have gleaned from chrome DevTools, this is probably because there is a "ReadOnly" value on my portal account, and they are marking message replies as "status: closed" when they reply.\*

It at least gives me some satisfaction to have a hypothesis of what is happening.

Is there a solution?

Well I doubt they're going to change what they're doing. But, although I have not tried this yet, I'm guessing your best chance is to add a sentence to your message asking the agent to not mark the message/thread as "closed". If you try it, let me know what happens.

At the moment, of course, their messaging system seems more broken than usual, and I frequently can't even access my messages. Yay.

\*For those who care, Molina use SalesForce in their site, and SalesForce uses Genesys Cloud. The ReadOnly thing, seems to be a Genesys Cloud thing.

submitted by /u/Coffee_Lizard

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