MN Ucare is about to kick thousands of people off of the state insurance for low-income…

I have my health insurance through the state of MN, because I am low-income. In April they are going to be kicking thousands of people off of the free Healthcare who's income is higher than $30,000/year. There is one member in my family who works and they make just under $50,000/year. I have many health issues and expensive medications that I cannot afford. I am terrified that they are going to kick us off and we can't afford to pay for any health insurance. Just the medications alone for myself come to almost $1,000/month. I don't know what I'm going to do, because although I do not work, because I live with someone who does, they income counts against me, which is ridiculous because I am my own adult! I am so stressed about this! Doss anyone know of any way to get them to keep me on the program, or any alternatives that will still cover my doctors appointments andmedications, but that is free or very very cheap for good coverage? I am desperate because and need my educations to live, and I have to see my doctors every couple of months so they can monitor me.

•Edit- I am on UCARE Prepaid Medical Assistance Program

submitted by /u/Ditz_a_Fritz

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