Met secondary insurance OOP Max, have not met deductible for primary insurance.

Will my secondary insurance cover all charges not covered by my primary insurance? If so, will the payments from my secondary insurance count towards my deductible/OOP max for my primary insurance?

I understand any doctor/facility would need to be in network for both plans. The insurance that is now my secondary does not cover a very high cost healthcare expense I have coming up so that is the reason I also signed up for my primary insurance when the opportunity presented itself. (Have been covered by secondary for over a decade, signed up for primary later this year when I had a qualifying life event and realized I would have a significant healthcare expense not covered by my secondary insurance, not an option to switch primary and secondary, primary has to remain primary). My secondary insurance is a family plan and I already met the OOP max so there was no benefit/savings in dropping that insurance.

Is it beneficial to front load any other health care needs covered by both insurance companies in order to reduce my deductible/OOP max as much as possible before undergoing the procedure only covered by my primary insurance and possibly hitting my deductible/ OOP max prior to that healthcare expense so it ends up ending fully covered? Or is that not how it works?

submitted by /u/OldSuckyEggs

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