Mental Health and Insurance Companies

Hey all,

I don’t have any ideas on insurance and have been doing research on my own. It’s hard for me to completely understand how insurance works.

I was never taught the fundamentals so I’ve been sitting here watching YouTube videos and reading blogs etc. I was wondering if there’s a good health insurance that is state covered and great for behavioral health.

I live in NY and have been trying to find doctors to help me with my current insurance And i keep hitting a dead end. I’m desperate to get some mental help. I’m specifically looking for an impatient facility for rehabilitation (mental rehabilitation).

When discussing options with insurance agency, should i explain what care i would love to have? Or exclude that overall?

Also, if anyone knows of a good mental health facility in NY that specializes in mental health i would love to hear from you. I’m looking for a retreat of some sort more than a hospitalization structure. Any information helps! Thank you! 💕

submitted by /u/SkarletteBean

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