Medication seems to be lost in mail? Options?

I don't know how to best flair this, so apologies there. I'm trying to do this for my parents in attempt to help them out.

My dad has some medication that he has to take that according to his doctor he cannot stop for any reason. (I don't know what it is off of the top of my head, but it does require a script for sure). Mom and dad both get their scripts through OptiumRX as well (so that is likely going to set up for a lot)

Mom called in dad's medication weeks ago to be filled, since usually she is on top of it, but it has been sitting at one of the distribution centers for over 10 business days (not counting weekends) not even having moved from apparently OptumRX's initial starting point of Florida. (We're all the way in the northern edge of the US too)

Dad only has like 4 days left of his script too, mom tried calling them upon realizing that it has not gotten here yet even though it should be here. And they said there was nothing they could do to help and just keep saying for dad to just 'walk in a pharmacy and get it' which they cannot do because A: They would need to have the physical script from the doctor to be able to get it filled at the pharmacy around here (At least that is what mom said, and she used to work as a tech before she retired, so please correct me if I"m wrong) and even if they did get it filled around here, the insurance wouldn't cover it because it was technically 'already filled' in that end and thus would have to pay out of pocket.

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Also with it being the holiday weekend soon, the doctor dad goes to may be out of town as well so I don't know if they will be able to get it, but that I cannot say for certain.

Regardless, since this is a bit of a situation, what would be recommended to do in this instance? Should I have mom and dad just keep trying and call Optum RX and hope they can just send out a new one with overnight delivery or are there other options that could be pursued that maybe we never thoguht about?

Oh, and also note, I might try and fill out a missing mail request or is that a nogo? I read on USPS's site that they cannot fulfill a missing mail request for prescription drugs 'for the safety of their customers and employees'

BTW, as a secondary question, anyone that does use optum RX have has it recently where they have to sign for their packages? For the longest time I Know mom never did have to for her medication, and just yesterday she had gotten one of the mail requests that require someone to go to the post office itself to sign for the package to be able to get it…for one of the same medications that she had taken for years too.

submitted by /u/KairosDialga