medicare vs private for chronic illness

Hi, I am a 29yo female, currently on a free state insurance (Molina through apple health in WA) and it’s time for open enrollment (Cigna) at my work. I got on the apple health plan when I was jobless in 2020. It was free. It’s still free, I do not pay for it. My medications cost nothing. I think I have some pretty large medical bills that I have no intention of paying for hospital visits due to my chronic asthma. I am more concerned about the costs of the many medications I am on, things like copays with doctors and specialists, etc. I am already fucked with large medical bills from when I was intubated and put on a ventilator three times for my asthma. So just surviving day to day is what I focus on. I have noticed it’s harder to find providers that take state insurance. I have been searching for a therapist for well over a year and many of them are not accepting new medicare patients and I’ve even been condescended to about “promise I actually show up for appointments before she’ll try to find me one” from a receptionist at a therapists practice once I told her I’m on state insurance and seeking a therapist. I did and never got a call back. The plans offered are 1500 deductible for like $25 a paycheck and 350 deductible for $52 a paycheck, 25 copay vs 35 respectively, and not sure on med prices yet. I don’t know how I am still not paying for my state insurance but I should probably just keep it and skip the enrollment into private, right? I think the state has coverage of dental and vision too but I haven’t used those yet so idk how good they are. My company has dental and vision separate from medical so maybe I should apply for just those and skip medical. Any ideas? I do not know a lot about insurance, wasn’t taught much, and despite having this severe medical condition my entire life I only just now started taking care of it, staying on preventative meds, seeing a pulmonologist etc after a near death experience and being on a ventilator for 5 days and almost not waking up. All of this overwhelms me so much. Mental healthcare is also very very important I have a major depressive disorder and ADHD and finally just started getting real treatment for it I can’t lose that it was so hard to get in the first place. Tysm for reading any input welcome I will be checking in periodically from work to answer any questions that I can

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