(Illinois resident / 32f / my first year part time in a service industry but I would guess 35-40k pre tax )

Hopefully this makes sense but I have a one year old. Last year I had work insurance this year I will be losing it. I tried to sign up for insurance on blue cross during open enrollment. They offered me to use some or all of a tax credit (I believe from my tax return but I’m uneducated on these things) which I chose to use.

Because of my income I was automatically enrolled in Medicaid for my daughter. Her pediatrician does not accept Medicaid so I want to take her off and just add her as a dependent on my private insurance

Unfortunately Medicare system has been down for a week. I’ve called everyday and spoken to various people but inevitably get told the person who can cancel the application is not able due to the system.

My partner was able to get ahold of them today. They said that’s not how Medicaid works and I would not be able to put her on any other insurance and would lose the tax credit? My partner unfortunately wasn’t with me as I was at work and is confused so he said never mind after three hours on hold 😭😭

Any advice? Explain to me like I’m five. I’m uneducated as I’ve always used work insurance and navigating this while sitting on hold for hours is difficult.

I’d like to get this worked out before open enrollment ends

submitted by /u/Cautious-Avocado-766

See also  Help finding out details from the hospital regarding a current appeal with insurance