Medical Provider Billing saying it’s not "legal" to pay out of pocket if I have insurance..?

I went to a health care provider for a checkup exam a few months ago and saw that they billed my insurance $240. I didn't meet my deductible so I have to pay it all out of pocket. During the checkup visit, I was never informed that I could pay out of pocket and it would end up only costing $150, something I would have opted for instead. I called back today and told them why this was never given to me as an option and if I can cover that as out-of pocket now instead of having it go through my insurance. The person told me "if you have insurance, by law the expense has to go through your insurance" which sounds like a bunch of bullshit. I called her out on this crap and asked what this specific law is and was told she doesn't know specifically and will have her teammate who is familiar with my insurance call me back.

I have employer sponsored Anthem Bluecross insurance if that helps. What should I do? I doubt I'll be getting any call back…

submitted by /u/_verdun_

See also  >$500 Bill I didn't expect - did someone drop the ball?