Medical bill for deceased family member

My deceased family member was on Medicare and had a secondary insurance which paid everything Medicare did not.

The ambulance company billed Medicare, received payment but has not been successful in billing the secondary insurance. They say the secondary is categorized as a primary insurance and they are unable to bill them. In previous months I had them on a three way phonecall with the secondary insurance to them get information a d confirmed they would pay, but am still receiving the bill. I have even mailed them copies of the insurance cards as well.

Do I continue to try to get them to bill secondary insurance? This has been a 6 month ongoing thing.

We are in charge of the deceased family members estate. It was a traditional trust and is now a special needs trust. Our lawyer did the 90 days notice to debtors to collect outstanding debt and that date passed in April.

Previous bills to this company were paid by Medicare and then the secondary automatically paid. (Even though I had to get transaction numbers and spoon feed information to this company as well for them to collect the payment that was sitting and waiting for them.)

One bill was billed to the secondary first and denied, Medicare has since paid and now I see no secondary EOB attempt. Longest bill on file One bill was recently billed to Medicare and paid, no EOB has been created/billed to secondary. Did not know about bill till 3 way phone call in May with them

My family says forgot about it, I don’t want it to go into the fine for nonpayment. I know the $100 bill will then be thousands, due to what happened with paid bills that they didn’t know how to receive the money.

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