I have a quick question I’m trying to understand what plan to choose from my employer. I only need the insurance for a couple of months since my wife is changing jobs and a life event will qualify for me to change over to hers with my family.

I’m look at two options, a $20/$50 copay plan and a $1000 deductible plan.

The $20/$50 copay plan states it also has $1,000 individual deductible and $2000 all other coverage deductible. It lists a coinsurance as 10% after deductible and then office cost as $20 for PCP and $50 for specialist.

The $1,000 deductible plan is the same deductible levels and coinsurnace is 10% after deductible and office visits are 10% as well.

Can someone explain to me the difference? I’m confused with the first copay plan. I know a copay doesn’t go towards a deductible . But if I’m visiting a PCP and I have to pay my $20 copay, am I also paying an amount towards my deductible as well for the same visit?

submitted by /u/Weak_Message9359

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