Medical and Dental insurance coding

I need to have my wisdom teeth taken out and they are impacted so it is more in depth than just the regular extraction. An out of network office told me they’d bill my medical insurance since I’d need to be put to sleep and the more invasive surgery. So, I called my medical insurance and they said if I went to the one in network provider I have, it would be 100% covered. So, I made an appointment with the in network provider and they are so stupid and don’t make any sense.

This provider claims they don’t use medical billing codes and only use dental billing codes. However, they are an in network MEDICAL insurance provider that my insurance 100% covers. They REFUSE to bill my medical meanwhile my medical insurance is on my side saying they don’t make any sense since it’s a medical procedure and they are in network for my medical insurance.

Does this make any sense to anyone?? Because the provider’s reasoning makes 0 sense since they are an in network medical provider. My insurance has tried to call them and they can’t get through, and my calls have been left with more questions than answers, but I have requested to speak to someone higher up and I’m “waiting” on them to contact me (so I’m sure they will never call me).

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