After a bit of a stressful saga this year, we canceled our Marketplace plan in March. This is because my husband had an offer of insurance through his employer back in January (which he did not sign us up for before his enrollment window closed). Not wanting to have to owe back subsidies for the entire year when we do taxes next year, we canceled the plan. We may still owe for those three months, but that’s a lot better than the entire year. I qualified for Medicaid because I am pregnant and our two kids also qualified for Medicaid. Thankfully, my husband’s employer did not ask for much documentation and allowed him to enroll in the insurance plan that they offer. He would not have qualified for Medicaid anyway because he is an immigrant who does not have enough years as a permanent resident yet.

My question is if we eventually end up being disqualified from Medicaid later on because of an income increase, can I and our two (soon to be three) kids then move on to a Marketplace plan? Or would we be required to also jump onto my husband’s plan as well? It’s cheaper of course for him to be alone on the employer plan. Just wondering if we would still be able to get advanced premium tax credits if my husband remained on his employer insurance and the rest of us went to the Marketplace. Income-wise, we would still qualify.

We are located in Nebraska.

submitted by /u/Estrellita08

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