Hello. I have a disabled child who is now 30 years old. He and I both receive Survivor Benefit SSI because my spouse died 18 years ago, when he was 12. Since he is unable to work and mentally challenged, I am defined as Head of Household for taxes, etc.

My current issue: we both have a linked(?) AABD Spenddown Deductible as insurance. We have this because a social worker told us years ago that we make too much for traditional Medicaid. I make about $1500/month from the Survivor SSI (I'm retired) and he also makes $1500 from it. Combined, we make $3000 and that is far above the Federal Poverty Level for a 2-person household, but $1500 is under it for a 1-person household. I know you get Medicaid for being under 138% of FPL, so essentially, if we apply as 1 person as an individual, we should meet the income requirements, but as a linked house we cannot(?).

This spenddown sucks and I'd love Medcaid's robustness for us… are we stuck in the best insurance setup? Or should we be doing something different like applying for Trad Medicaid?? Thanks to any expert. 🙂

submitted by /u/SubwaySamFL

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