I live in Texas and my medicaid ended a month ago because apparently I'm too old to stay on (I'm 20). So they sent me letters saying to apply on healthcare.gov. For some context, my household is just me and my mom. I have a part time job and am a full-time college student. My mom claims me as a dependent. Her income has always been low (I've been on medicaid my whole life) and our annual income combined for this year would be less than 20k. After doing the application and including our monthly income (which is so low atm), the plan with the lowest premium is $224/month. Is this just the reality of my situation now? Idk too much about health insurance since my family has never had it or anything like that. But I keep hearing about people getting cheap insurance through healthcare.gov so seeing 224 as the lowest option kinda shocked me. Genuine question, how are other people getting cheap plans on there? I feel kind of helpless now since I thought that being low income would give me a chance to still have health insurance. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

submitted by /u/Bubbly-Perception206

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