Medi-Cal / Social Security retirement benefits

To be on Medi-Cal, do you have to claim Social Security retirement benefits for which you qualify — and report them as income — even if you're still working and hadn't been planning to actually start claiming retirement benefits yet? I'm trying to renew my non-MAGI Medi-Cal for the first time since I turned 65 and became eligible to claim SS retirement benefits. I hadn't been planning to claim the benefits until I reached 70 (because the monthly amount increases the later you start claiming). But the 'Rights and responsibilities' page on the Medi-Cal renewal form says: "I understand that to be eligible for Medi-Cal I am required to apply for other income or benefits to which I or any member of my household is entitled, unless he or she has good cause for not doing so." Among the examples of such benefits given is "Social Security benefits (also called OASDI or Old Age, Survivors and Disability Insurance." Any advice/thoughts would be appreciated.

submitted by /u/Mayhewport

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